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Professional Designer

Order Details

webdesign webpage design
Template Code:
Domain Name:
 50  To  200  AED
Free for first year
Hosting Space:
1000 MB /
 700  AED
Free for first year
Template Price: Licenses Details
One time payment
One time payment

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Website design features

The field of the site : The site define the identity of the company, It also allows the visitor to know about the products, special offers, and how to communicate with the company.
Technical side : The content management system PHP programming language, the the design complies with computers and tablets and smart phones.
Website language : Arabic + English, the ability to active it with one language or in both languages
Control Panel features : Arabic and English language, the possibility of full control of site content.
Main menu : Are the headings at the top of the site consists of  home, about us, our mission and vision, products, special offers, contact us. With the possibility of adding other headings on main menu.
About us : One page without restrictions to the writings (vision, message, goals).
Our mission and vision : It’s a written page the company shows on it the mission and vision for the company.
Our services : the ability to add an unlimited number of services, and every service is an image + title + brief description.
Our clients : the ability to add an unlimited number of clients, the client name + client's logo.
Contact us : This section displays contact numbers, e-mail of the company,  the company location via Google map and a form for communication.
Advertising space : A space dedicated to a photo advertising ad on the home page for the visitor's attention at the beginning of the entry for the site.
Social media sites : A possible link to your Facebook, Twitter, Google plus, YouTube, LinkedIn, instagram on the icons at the top of the site.
Running and suspending the site : The site can be stopped any time and leave a message for visitors that updating the products and put forward new offers.

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