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Order Details

fitness gym web templates
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Domain Name:
 50  To  200  AED
Free for first year
Hosting Space:
1000 MB /
 700  AED
Free for first year
Template Price: Licenses Details
One time payment
One time payment

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Website design features

The field of the site : this site suits need of sport clubs and lounges,also allows visitors the opportunity to learn all the services and way of registration and learn exercises table and how to communicate or reach the club location.
Technical side : the famous content managment system PHP brogramming language, where the design is compatible with all computers
Browsing and control panel language: Arabic + English, the possibility of activating one or twe languages 
Control Panel  :full control of the contents of the site
Main menu : Titles at the top of the site consists the main page, who we are, membership, services, exersices schedule, photos section, videos section, contact us. note: any additions to the list of major require additional fees and estimated as requested by client's needed. 
Exercises table : the possibility of adding one or more tables at the same time.
Membership registration page : a signal page without the restrictions on writings and images, with the possibility of arranging special conditions one or club registation prices.
Exercises table : the possibility of adding one or more tables at the same time.
Services  : services private department, with the ability to add an unlimited number of services. the service consists of ( title + image + service content )
Gallery : Main pages and follow below an infininite number of subsections for photos and videos
Body mass index : it is customary global scale to distinguish overweight or thinness from the ideal wieght and height. the result may effect the visitor or to join the club.
About us : One page is dividwd into four sections; abrief introduction. Vision, Mission, Goals, Image.
Large advertising space : designed to place multiple ad image on the home page space in order to draw the visitor's attention when he first entered the site.
Smal advertising space : is designed to pit 3 advertising images on bottom of the large advertising spaces on home page with possibi;ity of linking them to any other page.
Additional pages : The ability to add an unlimited number of pages, and allow the process of link pages and navigate from page to page.
Social media sites : the possibility of linking your account or  your Facebook, Twitter, Google plus, YouTube, LinkedIn, instagram on the icons at the top of the site.
Running and suspending the site : Y can suspend site for how long you want and leave a message to visitors that the products been update and launch new offerings.

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